Friday, July 29, 2011

Curiosity and Intrigue...

People are always most curious or intrigued with things they don't know very much about... It could be any variation of things from dinosaurs, wizards or aliens to medical diagnoses, crime scenes, or conspiracy theories (the list could go on). I am going to venture to say a majority of the population doesn't know a lot about any of these things. That is why we love to watch movies or read stories about them. In our spare time, we love to be mystified, taken to a different place and time. If they are any good, the director or the writer will awe us and inspire us. One friend of mine said that people like this different dimension because they can go to a totally different world for a couple of hours before they have to go back home to real life.

The legal system and the laws of this country are real life mysteries to most of us, and a large majority of the population spends at least one evening a week watching their favorite investigation TV show. One of my absolute favorites, very addicting, was 24. But, whatever the most popular legal shows are out there for the season, we love the suspense of who did it and how they catch them or the enchantment of our hero saving the day. In real life, we wouldn't know what half of the stuff means on the TV shows or in the books or how to deal with it if it really happened to us, unless you went to law school, but it sure is a relief when the characters find the one person who happens to know exactly how to help. When the legal system does come knocking in real life, usually because of some error in judgement on our part, (this is one area that TV and movies don't stray too much from real life), there really are people out there who know the justice system very well, and we are relieved when we find someone to help.

I think each of us holds a puzzle piece. When we link together with others, we form a bigger picture and have a greater resource of information. As the Internet has truly made its debut, it is amazing the storehouse of information out there for all different specialties of law. In an era when information is key and being informed is so much easier than having to drive somewhere to find it, I wanted to create a blog to help demystify the legal realm and capture it in a language we can all understand. The legal system has always intrigued me. I was about 15 years old when I had a dream I was wearing a purple suit and presenting a case before a judge. I never did become a lawyer and I don't claim to be an expert, but I like doing research. I don't have a whole lot of extra time to do it, but it is intriguing to me to find new information. I believe when we are well informed, we know more how to use our resources.  I am not suggesting that we learn more on how to sue people, because there seems to be enough people out there being sue crazy, but more that we learn about the different legal terms, what different laws are and how they affect us, and just information about our legal system in general, making our founding fathers' original intentions of justice for all become something we ALL can use.  Though we have very high expectations of lawyers and our government, they are only human too.  As long as we remember that God is in control and that he makes the final decision on any case, then life will be much better for everyone!

I love basics and in depth research. They say if we learn at least one new piece of information a day, it will keep our minds sharper, so though we don't all get to be on TV or in the movies or be lawyers in real life, we can feel more confident in the laws and facts that we do know about this great country of America, founded under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ALL.

Melinda :)

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