Monday, August 1, 2011

How do I find the legal representation I need quickly?

When your car runs out of gas like mine did yesterday at a busy intersection in our town, you hope there is a gas station nearby.  If your car actually breaks down, you still need to get to school or work, you may need a mechanic to get you back on the road. When you're not feeling well, you may need to see your doctor to get you back on your feet.  When a storm passes by and causes a tree to fall or part of your roof to be damaged, you may need a tree trimmer, carpenter and/or roofer.  Okay... you get the idea...

I don't really sit and think about all of the different occupations that are out there, but as soon as I have a problem that needs their assistance I do.  Having a legal problem is no different.  Whether it be a car or health problem, or any variation of problems that can pop up unexpectedly, you never know when a legal problem may pop up and you need help quickly.  If you get sued, get a ticket for a traffic violation, or have some other legal matter suddenly in your life, you need to find a lawyer. But how do you choose the lawyer that's right for you and your case?  Sure you can look in the yellow pages or on the Internet, go off of a friend's suggestion, or even call a lawyer you used in a different specialty of law and see who they would suggest for your new situation, but how do you ultimately find the one that's right for you?  Don't just rush into your decision...

Here is a checklist of basic questions to ask before you hire a lawyer:

The Lawyer's Experience

·         How long have you been practicing in this field or area of law?

·         Have you ever handled matters like mine before?

Managing the Case

·         What are the possible outcomes of my case?

·         What are my alternatives in resolving the matter?

·         Approximately how long will it take to resolve?

·         Do you recommend mediation (a discussion intended to produce an agreement) or arbitration (the process of bringing a dispute before a disinterested third party for resolution)?

·         How will you let me know about what's happening in my case?

·         What kind of approach will you take - aggressive and unyielding, or will you work to reach a reasonable settlement?

Legal Fees & Costs

·         What are your rates and how often will you bill me?

·         What is a ballpark figure for the total bill, including fees and expenses?

Who Will Do the Work?

·         Who else in your law office will work on my case?

·         Can junior attorneys or paralegals in the office handle some of legal work at a lower rate than what you charge?

The answers you get to these questions should give you a good idea if the attorney you're talking to is the one you should hire to solve your legal problem. 

In 1972 a company made its debut to help in this legal search process called Prepaid Legal Services.  With more than 2000 law firms across the United States and Canada, this company offers to its members an opportunity to call in to one of the provider law firms and speak with a representative who will then place the member's question or legal matter into a database to be answered by the lawyer that will be best suited for their issue.  By the end of the business day the member will receive a phone call back from a lawyer knowledgeable in the specialty of law for their specific needs.  These services are available for a small monthly fee ($17-$26/mo), and make it possible to have an attorney available when life brings legal matters to your door even in emergency situations, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  You should still feel free to ask the questions listed above to make sure the correct lawyer has been chosen for your specific need.

Just as your mechanic is there to fix your car, your doctor to fix your ailments, a gas station open when you need to fill up your car, and all of the other little problems that can escalate quickly in life, whether you choose to go with the Prepaid Legal option or go on your own, you will now be prepared to find the lawyer that will suit your needs when legal issues happen.  The right lawyer makes all of the difference when your family or your property are at stake. 

- Melinda

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